Thursday, June 23, 2011

Teaching and Learning Physics:A Joint Interaction between Educator,Scientist,Social Net Work and Learners

This topic describes a new form of co-ordination between learners and other community members.For the better development of Physics thoughts and dreams,we want to start a new course in Schools and Universities.This closed system will manage Physics teaching and learning and also it will help the community to think scientifically.In this model for a physics course, the students engage in activities that engender both broad-based skills which span these domains (e.g. problem solving, analysis, and meta-cognition) as well as specialized domain-specific knowledge and skills (e.g. physics content, and knowledge of and practice in theories of teaching).  In addition, the course is designed to be flexible enough to capitalize on the emergent nature of the activity.  That is, because the participants, locales, and even the content are dynamic in nature, the precise form of the activity changes over time. The assertion is not that physics itself is changing (though many may argue about the social construction of the discipline), but rather since the course structure is flexible, it allows the coordinated activities to adapt to local context. 

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